Herb Bercovitz OWN Citation

Written by  //  December 17, 2003  //  Contributors, Herb Bercovitz, Order of Wednesday Night (OWN), OWN Citation  //  Comments Off on Herb Bercovitz OWN Citation

In recognition of your unwavering fidelity to the recording of learned discourse and unsurpassed ability to bring order from the chaos of unreadable notes, to find threads of logic where none might be perceived, the whilst making valuable, reasoned contributions to debate

By these presents we do appoint you Honoured Companion and Official Scribe of said Order and authorize you to hold and enjoy the dignity of such appointment together with membership in the said Order and all privileges thereunto pertaining

Given at 33 Rosemount in the former and future City of Westmount under the Seal of the Order of Wednesday Night this Wednesday, seventeenth day of December, 2003

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