This is such sad news, Diana. He was a presence of calm and reason in our discussions which were sometimes…
André-Eugène Audet 1939 – 2024 RIP
Written by Diana Thebaud Nicholson // July 25, 2024 // Absent Friends // 1 Comment
C’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous annonçons le décès paisible d’André le 6 juillet 2024 dans sa maison bien-aimée à Knowlton, Québec. Prédécédé par sa première épouse Louise Mimi Salvas et sa deuxième épouse Françoise Corbeil, il laisse dans le deuil sa compagne Diana Timmins, ses filles Caroline (Peter) et sa petite-fille Felicia ; Isabelle (Christian) et ses petits-enfants Éloïse et Philip; Véronique (Michael) ses petits-enfants Sophie, Mélanie et ses beaux petits-enfants Oliver, Alexander; son beau-fils Sébastien Robert (Sophie) avec ses beaux petits-enfants Françoise, Émile et Alice.
Né à Rouyn-Noranda, André a grandi à Québec et a déménagé à Montréal pour commencer sa carrière d’entrepreneur en créant une société d’investissement bancaire. Il a siégé aux conseils d’administration de diverses sociétés privées et publiques ainsi qu’à de nombreux conseils d’organismes culturels, historiques et politiques. Il était membre de la Montreal Financial Analyst Society et du Club universitaire de Montréal.
André aimait le ski et l’équitation. Il était passionné par l’histoire, les voiliers et la découverte des cultures et de la gastronomie lors de ses voyages à travers le monde. Il était un jardinier passionné, passant chaque minute dans ses jardins à Knowlton.
De nature sociable, André aimait recevoir. Son sens de l’humour et son rire contagieux nous manqueront. Son attitude positive et son approche de la vie étaient admirables. Il ne se laissait jamais ralentir par les moments difficiles et a vécu pleinement sa vie jusqu’à la fin.
La famille souhaite remercier Fatema Jaan et Shannon Croghan pour leurs soins dévoués pendant les deux dernières années de sa vie.
Un enterrement familial privé aura lieu au Cimetière St Édouard à Knowlton. Une célébration de la vie aura lieu plus tard cet été. Détails à venir.
It is with profound sadness that we announce André’s peaceful passing on July 6th 2024 in his beloved house in Knowlton, Quebec. Predeceased by his first wife Louise Mimi Salvas and his second wife Françoise Corbeil, he is survived by his girlfriend Diana Timmins, his daughters Caroline (Peter) and granddaughter Felicia; Isabelle (Christian) and grandchildren Eloise and Philip; Véronique (Michael), grandchildren Sophie, Melanie and step grandchildren Oliver, Alexander; his stepson Sébastien Robert (Sophie) and step grandchildren Françoise, Emile and Alice.
Born in Rouyn-Noranda, André grew up in Quebec City and moved to Montreal to start his entrepreneurial career with his boutique merchant banking corporation. He was a member of the Montreal Financial Analyst Society. He served on boards of directors of various private and public corporations as well as several boards of cultural, historical and political organizations.
André enjoyed skiing and horseback riding. He was passionate about history, sailboats and discovering cultures and food while traveling the world. He was an avid gardener, spending every minute in his gardens in Knowlton.
Being a sociable person, he loved entertaining. He will be missed for his sharp sense of humor and his contagious laugh. His positive attitude and approach to life was admirable, not one to ever let any tough times slow him down, he lived life to the fullest until the very end.
The family wish to thank Fatema Jaan and Shannon Croghan for their devoted caregiving in the last couple of years.
A private family burial will be held at the Cemetery St Edouard in Knowlton. A Celebration of Life will be held later this summer. Details to come.
One Comment on "André-Eugène Audet 1939 – 2024 RIP"
So many memories, particularly of the years as neighbours on Rosemount Avenue, with shared activities, adventures and lively political discussions. André was a Laval classmate of Brian Mulroney, Michael Meighen et al and a life-long committed Tory of the Red variety. We so hoped that his dream of being named a senator would be realized.
He and Mimi were generous hosts with whom David and I spent many delightful times at their welcoming house in Knowlton.
And then there were our adventures with the MacDonald Stewart Foundation’s Pelican project. Not always happy, but always a challenging experience.