All posts in Investment

World economy and emerging markets
December 18, 2012, Comments Off on World economy and emerging markets

Innovation in emerging markets Emerging markets Emerging November/December 2012 Broken B ...

Canada and emerging markets
July 2, 2012, Comments Off on Canada and emerging markets

Changing Global Reality (.pdf) Since 2009, nearly all the world’s growth has come from emerging powerhouses led by Chi ...

U.S. Economy 2011 – credit rating
August 22, 2011, 8 Comments

Head of rating agency S&P stepping down NEW YORK (AP) — The president of Standard & Poor’s is steppi ...

Wednesday Night #1535
August 3, 2011, 3 Comments

It’s pretty scary out there. If you look at the historical data, every single time that growth has dipped below 2% ...

The Madoff affair
July 30, 2011, 2 Comments

Vanity Fair has followed the Madoff story tenaciously. The size and extent of the damage caused by the Bernie Madoff (ye ...

U.S.Financial Reform
December 29, 2010, Comments Off on U.S.Financial Reform

NYT Times Topics: Financial Regulatory Reform Top Financial Stories of 2010: Foreclosures, Financial Reform, Bailouts (P ...

Wednesday Night 1503
December 22, 2010, Comments Off on Wednesday Night 1503

Scribe’s Prelude We Earthlings witnessed a complete lunar eclipse on December 21, Winter solstice, an event that l ...

Wednesday Night #1493
October 13, 2010, 1 Comment

“You can’t go back.”  Visiting the place of one’s childhood, (and/or youth in the case of old a ...

Innovation in emerging markets
April 15, 2010, Comments Off on Innovation in emerging markets

(Economist special report) The world turned upside down The emerging world, long a source of cheap labour, now rivals th ...

Wednesday Night #1466
April 7, 2010, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1466

Given  that this  evening’s special guest was Nigel Penney, much of the discussion centered on science and educa ...
