This is such sad news, Diana. He was a presence of calm and reason in our discussions which were sometimes…
The Group of Seven Winter 2005 – 2006
Winter Honours List
2005 – 2006 Citations
Dear Group of Seven,
Following intensive deliberations, the Committee of the Whole of the Order of Wednesday Night under the skillful direction of Peter Trent, the most tenured member of the august group, has considered nominations and submitted its recommendations to us regarding the elevation of new members to this unique body.
It is our distinct honour and pleasure to inform you that you have been selected as a recipient for the Winter OWN Honours List. Nomination to the Order is a recognition of the quality of your contributions, both to debate and to the expansion and diversification of the Wednesday Night participants. Furthermore, as it has recently been brought to our attention that the Order of Wednesday Night is now recognized as an honour by Who’s Who in Canada, it was incumbent on the Committee of the Whole to select candidates of upstanding nature and moral fibre (or some semblance thereof).
We congratulate you on your selection and would hope that the Formal Induction might take place prior to the departures of Peter Trent, John and Holly Jonas on/about the 31st of January. We would be grateful, therefore, if you would advise the undersigned if you would be able to attend the Induction Ceremonies on Wednesday, January 25, 2006. If you are unable to be present, an individual ceremony will take place at a later date.
Once again, we extend our congratulations to you in the assurance that your acceptance of the honour will further enhance the membership of the Order of Wednesday Night.