Alexandra Tcheremenska-Greenhill, M.D. OWN Citation

Alexandra Tcheremenska-Greenhill, M.D.

In recognition of your consistent contributions to Wednesday Night discourse, whether in person or through messages and references on numerous subjects, and not limited to your own areas of specialization in healthcare, combined with your high level of interest in and support to discussions of political and international developments, with emphasis on the issues of leadership, and your loyal commitment to the health and well-being of fellow Wednesday Nighters, as evidenced by your careful attention to the nutrition of their spirit and flesh

By these presents we do appoint you Honoured Companion of said Order, Delegate General to the Province of British Columbia and Convener of the West Wing of Wednesday Night and authorize you to hold and enjoy the dignity of such appointment together with membership in the said Order and all privileges thereunto pertaining

Given at 33 Rosemount in the once-again City of Westmount under the Seal of the Order of Wednesday Night this Wednesday fourteenth day of March, 2007


3 Comments on "Alexandra Tcheremenska-Greenhill, M.D. OWN Citation"

  1. Astri Reusch April 11, 2007 at 10:36 am ·

    Congratulations on Your 25 years of
    high energy in maintining your Salon.
    I heard about it even out here in what remains of deep woods on Camano
    Island…..which is in the Pacific Northwest.
    Yours…with deep admiration….Astri

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