Canada: government & governance

Written by  //  February 23, 2008  //  Government & Governance, Politics, Public Policy  //  Comments Off on Canada: government & governance

February 24, 2008
These findings bear out what we have been hearing, particularly about the demoralization in Environment Canada where current policies are in direct opposition to the advice of many devoted and knowledgeable civil servants and scientists.
Hostility between politicians and PS hits new high, adviser says
Something must be done to mend rift, Tellier says
The trust between Canada’s politicians and bureaucrats has never been more strained and steps must taken to “lower the temperature” and rebuild frayed relations, warns the co-chair of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s advisory committee on public service renewal.
“The level of tension between parliamentarians and the public service has increased tremendously and this is very unfortunate and we are going to look at this in the future and have specific recommendations to lower the temperature.” The committee’s latest report, Pursuing a High Performance Public Service, was released yesterday.

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