Peter Ratzer joins IIED Board

Written by  //  July 12, 2007  //  Environment & Energy, News about Wednesday Nighters, Sustainable Development  //  Comments Off on Peter Ratzer joins IIED Board

Maggie Catley-Carlson was in town this week and I have now joined her as a trustee of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).

Note: IIED is  an international policy research institute and non governmental body working for more sustainable and equitable global development.

… Our partnerships generate close working relations with many key development actors from smallholder farmers and big city slum-dwellers to national governments and regional NGOs, global institutions and international processes. This well established practice of working in partnership is what we believe makes us fundamentally different from other research institutes.

IIED acts as a catalyst, broker and facilitator and helps vulnerable groups find their voice and ensure their interests are heard in decision-making. Environmental sustainability is a core concern but not at the expense of people’s livelihoods.

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