Crisis in Burma

Written by  //  September 30, 2007  //  Asia, Geopolitics, Rights & Social justice  //  Comments Off on Crisis in Burma

BBC page on Burma Protests

See also Burma on David Kilgour’s website and on

Satellite images corroborate eyewitness accounts of human rights abuses in Burma, AAAS reports
A new analysis of high-resolution satellite images — completed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) — pinpoints evidence consistent with village destruction, forced relocations, and a growing military presence at 25 sites across eastern Burma where eye-witnesses have reported human rights violations.
The research by AAAS, a non-profit, non-partisan organization and the world’s largest general scientific society, offers clear physical evidence to corroborate on-the-ground accounts of specific instances of destruction. It is believed to be the first demonstration of satellite image analysis to document human rights violations in Burma, also known as Myanmar.

Myanmar’s blogs of bloodshed
BANGKOK – Dodging a deadly military crackdown, bloggers in Myanmar are now on the front lines providing news and photos of death and insurrection. The military responded on Friday by closing down the Internet, signaling that a wider and more severe crackdown on street protesters could be imminent.

UN envoy to Burma Ibrahim Gambari has met detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi in the main city of Rangoon.
Mr Gambari is attempting to mediate between Burma’s junta and the opposition, and end a bloody crackdown on mass pro-democracy protests.
Earlier, he met some of the country’s military leaders in the new capital Naypyidaw, and has now returned there for further talks.

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