Julius Grey OWN, NDP Candidate?

Written by  //  September 29, 2007  //  Canada, News about Wednesday Nighters, People Meta, Politics  //  Comments Off on Julius Grey OWN, NDP Candidate?

Well-known Montreal lawyer considers political career
The Gazette
Constitutional lawyer Julius Grey is pondering a step into federal politics, most likely as a candidate for the New Democratic Party.
“I haven’t made up my mind; I’m weighing the pros and cons,” Grey said today in a telephone interview from his home.
On the heels of Thomas Mulcair’s decisive victory for the NDP in a federal by-election in Outremont on Sept. 17, there has been a flurry of interest in signing up other well-known candidates to run in Quebec.
“I have been approached and I have been talking with friends,” Grey said.
“This has come up before and I always said no before, but I will decide in a week or so,” he added.
As for where he’d run if he did offer himself up as a candidate, he said it’s too soon to speculate.
“I haven’t gone there yet,” Grey said.

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