Government wants to hear from/about seniors

Written by  //  November 7, 2007  //  Margaret Lefebvre, People Meta, Public Policy  //  Comments Off on Government wants to hear from/about seniors

Margaret Lefebvre advises that the government commission on: The living conditions of seniors a social issue that is the responsibility of all Quebecers, is anxious to hear from seniors on matters that include, but are not necessarily limited to healthcare. The Minister has scheduled a special session to take place in Dorval on Friday morning, November 16th, in order for individual English-speaking seniors to tell the panel what is their experience and what recommendations need to be included in the final report in order to improve seniors’ quality of life.
We include some details below and urge Wednesday Nighters of all ages to consider submitting a brief. We understand that a number of organizations have submitted great briefs, but the consultation is also seeking briefs from individuals – and not only the elderly, but caregivers and extended family, along with professionals such as lawyers and accountants who give services to elderly clients. Topics/pet peeves may range from financial considerations to domestic pets, from organ donation to compensating families for structural changes to accommodations. Please, if you have something to contribute to the discussion, do so.

From: Ruth Pelletier
Subject: Government wants to hear from individual seniors– Please spread the word
The QCGN just presented its brief on Senior’s Living Conditions this morning. One of the things that was told to us by the Minister, Mme. Blais and the Co- Chairs is that they have not heard from many individuals who are seniors. They have heard from organizations.
Therefore they are holding an additional ½ day in which to do so. Now is our chance to tell them what you need or are worried about. Obviously they are interested in all aspects of being a senior, not just health care.
They asked me to help get the word out so I am sending you the information and if you are an organization I would ask that you get the word out to your members and clients. Perhaps you can even assist with car pooling if getting there is a difficulty.
The session will take place on Friday November 16th from 9 am – noon
Location: Sarto Desnoyers Community Center
1335 Chemin Bord du Lac in Dorval
If you go on the QCGN Website you will find the information and see a copy of our brief.
[Also of interest is the brief from the ESCC (English Speaking Catholic Community)]
*** It is important to note you may present you ideas/ concerns in English.
Ruth Pelletier- Project Coordinator
Greater Montreal Community Development Initiative
1255 University Suite # 1000,
Montreal, Qc. H3B 3W6
Tel: 514- 868-9044 x222
EMAIL: [email protected]

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