Real-Estate Drop Has a Green Lining

Written by  //  May 12, 2008  //  Economy, Environment & Energy  //  Comments Off on Real-Estate Drop Has a Green Lining

As Home and Resort Development Cools,
Conservationists Snap Up More Land

(Wall Street Journal) There’s a green lining to the real-estate cloud: Developers are dropping plans to build on some choice pieces of land and instead are selling [them] for such uses as public parks and nature preserves.
One of the big beneficiaries is Trust for Public Land, a San Francisco nonprofit group that specializes in buying land for conservation. The Trust often struggled during property-boom years to find sellers among land owners near urban centers. Now, U.S. property owners from Massachusetts to Hawaii are flocking to it.
One of the latest examples involves a five-mile stretch of Hawaiian beach. Last summer, a unit of Los Angeles-based Oaktree Capital Management LP was negotiating with a hotel chain to build a mega-resort development along Oahu’s fabled North Shore. Its plan for as many as five new hotels with up to 3,500 rooms and condominium units had been one of the most intensely opposed in Hawaii in years.

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