Ottawa Cabinet Shuffle

Written by  //  June 25, 2008  //  Canada, Politics  //  Comments Off on Ottawa Cabinet Shuffle

June 28
PM values loyalty not democracy
Harper promoted ministers who were unelected, or unelectable
SUSAN RILEY, Canwest News Service
There has been a lot of head-scratching over Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s mini cabinet shuffle this week, but the message it sends seems simple: Some people are just better than others – smarter, better-educated, richer. Who cares if they aren’t elected, or electable?
Senator Michael Fortier, for instance, remains a walking rebuke to Harper’s promise of more accountability.
At least no one can accuse Harper’s other high-profile appointment, Foreign Affairs Minister David Emerson, of never having faced the voters. He ran in 2006 – although for another party. Turns out Emerson was that rare Liberal: the kind, like John Manley, that Harper likes.

June 26
New Harper cabinet election-ready, insiders say
With yesterday’s shuffle, the Prime Minister sought to balance regional interests and leverage experience in preparation for a campaign

Quebecers get prominent roles in cabinet shuffle
Emerson takes over foreign affairs permanently
June 25, 2008 | 12:34 PM ET

CBC News
Quebec played a key role in Wednesday’s mini federal cabinet shuffle, with two Conservatives from the province taking on larger portfolios.
Senator Michael Fortier, a Montrealer who doesn’t have a seat in the House of Commons, was appointed international trade minister.
Christian Paradis, an MP for the southeastern riding of Mégantic-L’Érable, was picked to take over Fortier’s former job as public works minister. Paradis will also continue in his role of secretary of state for agriculture.
“We’re on track, we’re going stay on track,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper said after the new ministers were sworn in at Rideau Hall in Ottawa.
The shuffle was triggered by Maxime Bernier’s sudden resignation as foreign affairs minister on May 26. [Bernier to shed light on cabinet departure]
David Emerson was asked to fill in as foreign affairs minister temporarily, and on Wednesday he was named to take on the role permanently.
In one final move Wednesday, James Moore, a parliamentary secretary from British Columbia, was named secretary of state for official languages, the Asia-Pacific gateway and the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.


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