This is such sad news, Diana. He was a presence of calm and reason in our discussions which were sometimes…
Climate Change & social justice
Written by Diana Thebaud Nicholson // August 8, 2008 // Agriculture & Food, Climate Change, Water // Comments Off on Climate Change & social justice
August 7 2008
Hypocrites Unite!
At least we have some ideals to fall short of.
George Monbiot
The environment is inseperable from social justice. Climate change, for example, is primarily about food and water. It threatens the freshwater supplies required to support human life. As continental interiors dry out and the glaciers feeding many of the rivers used for irrigation disappear, climate change presents the greatest of all threats to the future prospects of the poor. The rich will survive for a few decades at least, as they can use their money to insulate themselves from the effects. The poor are being hammered already.