Griffintown redevelopment project

Written by  //  April 17, 2010  //  Montreal  //  Comments Off on Griffintown redevelopment project

Save Griffintown!

Altered Griffintown plan like ‘night and day’ – Revised project called improvement
The first phase of a scaled-down and revamped development project for Griffintown is a “night and day” improvement over the megaproject originally proposed for the southwestern Montreal neighbourhood, city executive committee member Richard Bergeron says.
Phase 1 of Griffintown II, which covers roughly the southern third of the original project site, calls for 1,375 housing units, modest stores and services, and no big-box outlets. Instead of wiping out streets, Bergeron said, the development would re-create some streets that have vanished. There would be only six parking spots provided for every 10 housing units, and no expropriations are planned.
18 February 2009
Downsized Projet Griffintown to Proceed
Devimco’s Projet Griffintown will proceed in a greatly reduced and modified fashion, say spokespeople for the developer and the City of Montreal. According to information released at recent press events, a downsized Projet Griffintown will be built on approximately 30% of the originally planned surface area, starting in 2010, in stages.
The new project will abandon the high-profile shopping centre to focus on canalside residential and office developments, to be built on land already owned by Devimco south of Wellington Street.
15 March 2008
Here’s the first batch of a selected sampling of comments from people who’ve signed the Griffintown petition, asking for a proper, democratic oversight process instead of a “fait accompli.”

24 November 2007

CREDIT: View of working class homes on Mountain St in Griffintown with the City of Montreal looming behind. THE GAZETTE/Dave Sidaway

November 24, 2007
Gazette editorial
Griffintown project deserves support
The most striking thing about Thursday’s announcement of a sweeping new program to revitalize the moribund Griffintown area, south of downtown, was the way Montreal Mayor Gérald Tremblay had already braced himself for a backlash.
The mayor is right, we believe, to support the $1.3-billion project, although there are two residual issues that still demand some attention. And he is also correct, unfortunately, in expecting the drearily familiar chorus of anti-everything voices to be raised against the plan.

Griffintown to get extreme $1.3B makeover
November 22, 2007 CBC News
Montreal has approved a $1.3-billion housing project that promoters promise will revitalize Griffintown.
The mainly residential project includes nearly 4,000 dwelling units, including condominiums and housing for students and seniors.
Promoters promise the development will inject new life into Griffintown, an industrial slum neighbourhood southwest of Old Montreal that was once densely populated but now only counts about 50 homeowners.

November 23, 2007
Huge Griffintown plan unveiled

Andy Riga, The Gazette

Don’t be so negative and don’t let this one slip by. That was the message to Montrealers yesterday from Mayor Gerald Tremblay, who urged people to keep an open mind about a $1.3-billion residential-and-commercial project that aims to revitalize Griffintown, a run-down area at the foot of Peel St., between downtown and the Lachine Canal.

Described as one of the biggest private investments in Montreal history, the project, whose details were outlined yesterday, would include 3,830 residential units, retail outlets, a concert hall and a network of parks and public spaces.
“It is time we stop adopting such negative attitudes since it is only normal that in a major metropolis like Montreal that we should be able to at least explore projects that can have a positive impact on the social, cultural and economic development of our city.”
To deal with concerns [the developer] heard, it included more residential units (almost two-thirds of the floor space), added parks and public spaces (a total of 600,000 square feet), reduced the number of large stores included in the project (they would now make up less than a quarter of retail space) and moved parking underground (there would be 5,000 paid spots). It’s also counting on the city’s proposed tramway linking Griffintown to downtown and Old Montreal to alleviate traffic.
The project would feature several towers ranging from 10 to 24 storeys; the tallest building would be a hotel overlooking the Lachine Canal, which would have 32 floors.
To allay concerns of heritage activists, the developer said it will protect 12 structures (including the New City Gas and Crathern & Caverhil buildings) in the area, the former heart of the city’s Irish community.
Two other buildings of historical value will be moved; another four will be demolished and partially rebuilt.
The area to be developed is currently home to 47 people, most of whom live in housing on Mountain St. that will not be affected by the project.
Full article and details

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