So many memories, particularly of the years as neighbours on Rosemount Avenue, with shared activities, adventures and lively political discussions.…
West Wing Wednesday Night #30 September 8, 2010
Written by Diana Thebaud Nicholson // September 2, 2010 // Alexandra T. Greenhill, West Wing (WWWN) // Comments Off on West Wing Wednesday Night #30 September 8, 2010
As they say “I try to take it one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once” – well friends, not sure if I am the only one to whom it happened, but September just snuck up on me today!! So yes, it’s time to call you back together for our monthly dose of stimulating conversation, next wed Sept 8th for our 30th monthly edition. And for the many of you who were away this summer, welcome back to hopefully sunny September in Vancouver!
This month’s agenda invites you do leave the black and white confines of left and right politics and consider nuances:
· Is competition good? Necessary? Can it be fostered or does it emerge on its own?
· Parenting and society: British PM is taking paternity leave, Quebec is paying for IVF treatments – what are the duties vs. benefits vs. necessities of society in supporting childcare?
· Art and the tax dollar: BC is reinstating funding for the arts – does art need support? Is it better for it to thrive on its own merits? Can it do so? And how do we feel about supporting the Aquarium expansion?
· Police on beaches (see request for feedback from VPD) and no smoking in Vancouver’s parks and beaches – nanny state or proactive leadership?
In keeping with the willingness to be provocative in a respectful way consider the following takes on recently discussed items:
· on local food:
· on Canada’s impending housing bubble: (and compare and contrast with the Montreal Gazette story of almost two years ago)
The other topic I would love for us to consider is inter-disciplinarity – it is well established now as a notion that the 21st century belongs to networks, collaborations, cross-disciplinary thinking and working – open space, open source, open focus… yet from our education to our work to our leisures and communities, it seems to me that we are increasingly inhabiting parallel universes… it may just be my impression, so please bring your perspectives and examples confirming or infirming my observation!
In the meantime for all of you who have been anticipating the launch of Leah Costello‘s The Bon Mot Book Club, Vancouver’s newest and most intellectually stimulating event series – it is live at and you must reserve quickly as tickets are flying off the virtual shelf! Rick Peterson’s Burgundy Luncheon Club website is also newly unveiled and I remain overjoyed that we now have all these great stimulating opportunities right at home in Vancouver!!!
We look forwards to welcoming friends back and introducing new comers. Come to think, discuss, be inspired, and exchange ideas and insights, all you of interested, interesting, informed and informative folks in town. For the new invitees, the description of the Wednesday night concept and other important logistical details can be found at (click on “About us” at the top menu – and don’t forget to honor Bacchus with a gift). Please note that arrival is for 7PM and start of the moderated discussion is at 8PM sharp – to end promptly at 10PM so everyone can go to work the next day!