West Wing Wednesday Night #35 February 23, 2011

Written by  //  February 23, 2011  //  Agriculture & Food, Alexandra T. Greenhill, Immigration/migration, West Wing (WWWN)  //  Comments Off on West Wing Wednesday Night #35 February 23, 2011

The theme this month – CHANGE – seems almost unavoidable considering recent developments here and abroad. So how is our world changing? Beyond being flat and super-connected, it is also…

–          in turmoil – cf. the middle east 21st century re-interpretation of the domino theory – see video “Obama calls on Iran to follow Egypt’s example”

–          in growth and hunger – Is Earth overpopulated? If yes, is that worrisome? Does that change anything? How are we going to deal with the rising world hunger – “Chronic hunger to affect 1bn people”?

–          in repositioning – data point #1: Women are on top data point #2: Wind power prices drop to coal power levels:  and http://bnef.com/Download/pressreleases/139/pdffile/ data point #3: Apple’s iPad takes over world  – and I am sure you can supply your own data points to enhance our conversation…

–          in danger – the coming of internet-usage based billing  and the CRTC proposal to get rid of public protections against false news coverage and pass a huge loophole to the “fair and balanced” rule that currently prevents media from outright lying to the public  and  (thank you David M. for the links!). The proposed changes to regulations protecting Canadian airwaves would require any complaint to include proof that the broadcaster knew that the news was false AND that the lies spread could endanger the lives, health or safety of the public — so a journalist could tell any lie they liked as long it didn’t kill or sicken anyone. [addendum: I wish we had laws that prevented federal ministers from outright lying to the public… or at least held them accountable…]

–          in isolation – (thank you Diana N. for the links!) Canadian Immigrant visas to drop 5%: records  with cuts [which] would most affect overseas parents, grandparents has brought forth reactions including from [Former Wednesday Nighter and active member of Wednesday Night’s West Wing] Richard Kurland [who] called the government’s position disingenuous, since it has attracted some newcomers, so-called economic immigrants, with a promise their parents and grandparents will soon be able to follow.

–          in election mode – the countdown for a new premier in BC is in its final 10 days of the campaign and it has been full of surprises – having attended the Saturday Feb 12th BC libs convention and debate, all I can say in writing – is … MOST INTERESTING! Several of our circle are deeply involved in some of the campaigns and it’s really hard to make predictions …

And some noteworthy news from WSW Friends:

–          Rick Peterson is hosting on Friday Feb 25th the official launch of a book highlighting The Burgundy Luncheon Club entitled “Lessons from The Burgundy Luncheon Club: How to drink wine, meet interesting people… and change your world.” – see http://burgundyluncheonclub.com/

–          Canada Post is unveiling a stamp in honour of Chris Best’s late grandmother, Carrie Best  and the City of Vancouver is hosting an event to celebrate on Friday, Feb 25th at 5:30PM at the Central Branch of the Vancouver Public Library – see all the City sponsored Black History Month events

–          Dr. Dambisia Moyo, author of “How the west was lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly-and the Stark Choices Ahead” is coming to Leah Costello’s Bon Mot Book Club on Monday, April 4th 

We look forwards to welcoming friends back and introducing new comers. Come to think, discuss, be inspired, and exchange ideas and insights, all you of interested, interesting, informed and informative folks in town.

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