Archive for January, 2012

January 30, 2012, Comments Off on KNUT HAMMARSKJOLD, DIPLOMAT 1922-2012

Globe & Mail: Knut Hammarskjold helped shape international aviation By Alan Hustak The text is the same as the one t ...

Knut Hammarskjöld 1922-2012
January 25, 2012, 7 Comments

Margo Somerville’s message announced the “sad news that Knut died on January 3rd, 13 days before his 90th Bi ...

Wednesday Night #1560
January 25, 2012, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1560

PROLOGUE The world has and continues to spin fast and furiously. As we contemplate the vortex, we would like to draw to ...

U.S. in 2012 – State of the Union
January 24, 2012, Comments Off on U.S. in 2012 – State of the Union

State of the Union 2012: Obama speech full text (ABC News) State of the Union: Obama Makes Case for Economic ‘Fair ...

Wednesday Night #1559
January 18, 2012, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1559

Flow chart for the hijacking of the LPC The presence of our M.P. – along with several delegates including the new ...

Wednesday Night #1558
January 11, 2012, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1558

With a great sense of loss, we share the sad news of Knut Hammarskjöld’s death on January 3rd, just 13 days shy of hi ...

January 8, 2012, 1 Comment

Exploring Mars Historic pictures sent from Mars; Mars500 mock mission reveals dangers of long space flights Fl ...

U.S. Economy 2011 Part II
January 7, 2012, 2 Comments

The Dismal Economic Outlook For The New Year by Paul Craig Roberts (Foreign Policy Journal) Jobs offshoring, financial d ...

Wednesday Night #1557
January 4, 2012, 1 Comment

Our Scribe’s comments: It was an extraordinary evening, remarkably civilized considering the issues discussed, one ...

Predictions for 2012
January 2, 2012, Comments Off on Predictions for 2012

2012 Predictions This site is a directory of links to prophecies and predictions relating to the year 2012, no matter wh ...
