All posts in David Mitchell

Wednesday Night #1566
March 7, 2012, 6 Comments

See also “Moses arduously led the Jews for 40 years through the desert — just to bring them to t ...

Canada 2010: G8 & G20
September 26, 2011, 1 Comment

The story that won’t go away NDP calls for ethics investigation into Clement over G8 fund New Democrats are callin ...

Wednesday Night #1541
September 14, 2011, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1541

We have now lived through the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and all have been touched in one way or another by the tributes, ...

The University of Wednesday-Night
February 16, 2011, Comments Off on The University of Wednesday-Night

By P. David Mitchell The MetropolitaIn February 16, 2011 The Age of Enlightenment spawned the salon, an important place ...

Wednesday Night #1476
June 16, 2010, 1 Comment

China Two Wednesday Nighters who have recently returned from a trip to China sparked the discussion of the signs of seem ...

Wednesday Night #1474
June 2, 2010, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1474

In Japan, new boss meets same problems as old boss The ruling Democratic Party of Japan selected Japanese Finance Minist ...

Wednesday Night #1433
August 19, 2009, 4 Comments

More to come The U.S. Healthcare debate Throughout much of the world and certainly most of the western world, universal ...

Wednesday Night #1429
July 22, 2009, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1429

Montreal matters Beryl has produced a Manifesto – “A Freer, Fairer, Richer Montreal” – in pamphl ...

Wednesday Night #1411
March 18, 2009, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1411

A last-minute (but worthy) update from our friend Jim Heffernan, who occasionally blogs on the HuffPost. “Since I ...

August 6, 2008, 2 Comments

On the eve of the opening of the Beijing Olympics, we have some very special guests, along with the much-anticipated ret ...
