Where the world comes together
A number of David Mitchell‘s Wednesday Night friends gathered to honor his return with particularly stimulating ...
Is it conceivable to achieve economic growth, equalization of standards of living in the Third World to that of Canada t ...
Europe and the EU The miracle of the European Union is that has united disparate countries into a common region, the tes ...
AECL pulls plug on costly reactor project (CBC) The federal government has quietly shelved development of a new Canadian ...
Scribe’s Prologue Whether by evolution, revolution, domination, greed or other frequently encountered if unworthy ...
With the guidance of John Jonas who recommends Nukes: Improve them, but don’t even think of abandoning them , Douglas ...
More on Wednesday-Night.com The evening started on a somber note, as Diana noted with sadness the deaths of Judith Patte ...
This is such sad news, Diana. He was a presence of calm and reason in our discussions which were sometimes…