Where the world comes together
The accounts of Wednesday Night Salons in chronological order appear below. The task of archiving them is on-going . As stated elsewhere, it was not until the early 90s that we began to keep weekly records of discussions, therefore, there are, unfortunately, major gaps in the earlier chronicles.
Most, but not all, accounts until 2014 were written by our Scribe, Herb Bercovitz, and edited as required, by Diana, however a number of other Wednesday Nighters also contributed their note-keeping talents on occasions when Herb was absent. Since Herb was no longer up to the task, the entries for Wednesday Night consist only of the “Prologues”. Chatham House rules prevail!
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of our dear friend and founding member of the Order of Wednesda ...
Among monarchs and presidents, focus of Auschwitz anniversary is on 50 survivors Former inmates of Nazi concentration ca ...
‘The Return of the King’: Trump Embraces Trappings of the Throne Restored to power, President Trump claimed that God ...
George Alevisatos 1938-2024 RIP Sad News for all of us who frequented By George! Deli, enjoyed the great catering servic ...
Nostradamus’s Predictions for 2025: An end of war, asteroid collision and more for the coming year Global Risks Re ...
Looking forward/Looking back We cannot remember any time when we were as alarmed and discouraged as we are today – ...
New year celebrations around the world – in spectacular pictures Revelers across the globe welcome the arrival of 2025 ...
In view of the unusual coincidence of Hanukkah and Christmas this Wednesday, 25 December, it was decided by democratic v ...
We are deeply saddened to learn of the death on Tuesday of Anthony (Tony) Shine, who, with his wife Ruth Walzer Shine we ...
A week ago, no-one was predicting the incredibly swift collapse of Syria‘s Assad regime. Anne Applebaum appropriat ...
This is such sad news, Diana. He was a presence of calm and reason in our discussions which were sometimes…