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Dear Friends and extended family around the globe, At two recent festive dinners, the host has invited each of us to bri ...
27 April This is a rare occasion in this family. I get to have the last word. Thank you all for coming en si grand nombr ...
9 April Dear Friends, David died peacefully on Sunday night after being admitted to emergency in late afternoon with a v ...
One of the delights of the Christmas season is decorating the tree, bringing out the treasured decorations, remembering ...
BONJOUR/HI! With headlines blaring news of the battle over tax reform, the backing of Roy Moore by Trump and the RNC, an ...
It seems that Mercury is not retrograde at present, but our computer has not been so advised and neither, it seems, has ...
A quick tour d’horizon of international events before turning to the Americas, Canada, Quebec, Montreal and – ...
Wednesday Night welcomes back its premier OWN in poetry and verse May 10, 2017: A very special guest was greeted by an e ...
Symbol of rituals dating from ancient, pagan times, the Christmas tree today is omnipresent in guises ranging from snow- ...
The presence of Marion Canute changed the focus of the evening’s discussion to her recent experiences as the Germa ...
This is such sad news, Diana. He was a presence of calm and reason in our discussions which were sometimes…