All posts tagged Arthur Porter

Montreal 2013 – a tumultuous year
December 17, 2013, 2 Comments

See also Montreal Seeks a Mayor Céline Cooper: Our city faces a greater challenge Like large municipalities all over th ...

Quebec Liberals post 2012 election
December 9, 2013, Comments Off on Quebec Liberals post 2012 election

Liberal leader Philippe Couillard back in the national assembly Quebec Liberals win two byelections in the ridings of Ou ...

Wednesday Night #1631
June 5, 2013, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1631

As promised, our good friends, former US diplomats, authors and keen Canada watchers David and Terry Jones will be with ...

Montreal 2010-2012
December 31, 2012, 3 Comments

2012 Céline Cooper writes: Lisée charts wrong course for Montreal (The Gazette Opinion) Jean-François Lisée, the Par ...

Wednesday Night #1605
December 4, 2012, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1605

If you have not yet admired it, we highly recommend the Economist’s current Daily chart: The Advent Calendar – A ...
