All posts tagged carbon-emissions-trading

Alternative (clean) energy/renewables /2
February 26, 2024, 1 Comment

World Energy Outlook Special Report The Age of Energy Insecurity What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is energy de ...

Carbon trading at Montreal Exchange
May 31, 2008, 1 Comment

More on May 31 Montreal Climate Exchange starts trading Activity on Canada’s first carbon-trad ...

Wednesday Night #1368
May 21, 2008, 3 Comments

More on carbon on see also Carbon trading at Montreal Exchange The interrelated topics of Energy, th ...

C02 emissions from shipping revealed
February 12, 2008, Comments Off on C02 emissions from shipping revealed

February 13, 2008 (The Guardian) Leaked UN report says pollution three times higher than previously thought The true sca ...

Climate exchange faces major challenges
October 24, 2007, Comments Off on Climate exchange faces major challenges

24 October 2007 Worldwide market so far is a mix of mandatory and voluntary efforts The Montreal Exchange is the subject ...
