Where the world comes together
Pascal Lamy: IS GLOBALIZATION IN NEED OF GLOBAL GOVERNANCE? John Kirton: France’s G7 Priorities for 2018/19 A G7 fight ...
WTO 2012-2015 More on Trade & Tariffs 9 December Southeast Asia faces ‘long list’ of risks in 2019, bank ...
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Commodity.com)UN Convention & The Kyoto Protocol NYT: The Bonn Climate Co ...
McGill Prof. Chris Ragan chairs high-profile group on economic and environmental fiscal reform Canada – Economic f ...
The last Wednesday Night of the Obama era or, if you prefer, the last of the pre-Trumpian era. The transition with all o ...
We start with the sad news that Ron Walker, husband of our dear friend and Wednesday Nighter, Margaret Lefebvre, has die ...
The furor over Charlie Hebdo has not died down, but the attention of the world is turning this week to two events. But b ...
UN & Climate Change Weather is not climate, and anecdotes are not statistics. Politicians discussing global warming. ...
Prelude: The latest news of Justin Bieber – a 19-year old tragedy. has prompted an on-line petition to the White H ...
Gerald Ratzer treated us to an example of his numerology skills , dissecting 1,664 to prove that tonight should be the 3 ...
This is such sad news, Diana. He was a presence of calm and reason in our discussions which were sometimes…