All posts tagged emerging-markets

Global Economy 2013
December 13, 2013, 2 Comments

Mitch Joel on bitcoins Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer universal, digital currency platform that has been getting a tremendous ...

Wednesday Night #1637
July 17, 2013, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1637

Quotes of the evening Investment policies are in the east, not westward-looking. There are two important political thing ...

Wednesday Night #1606
December 12, 2012, 1 Comment

The Fiscal Cliff Aphorisms that slip easily off the tongue can, at times, conjure up an image pleasing to the imaginatio ...

Canada and emerging markets
July 2, 2012, Comments Off on Canada and emerging markets

Changing Global Reality (.pdf) Since 2009, nearly all the world’s growth has come from emerging powerhouses led by Chi ...

World economy 2011
December 24, 2011, 7 Comments

Hayek, Keynes and How to Prevent Economic Crises: final excerpt from Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius, by Syl ...

Wednesday Night #1525
May 25, 2011, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1525

Canada’s case of the “Dutch Disease” We become lazy when all we have to do is dig stuff out of the gro ...

Wednesday Night #1468
April 21, 2010, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1468

The warmly-applauded opening announcement concerned Herb Bercovitz who has been proposed by Mayor Peter Trent as a recip ...

Innovation in emerging markets
April 15, 2010, Comments Off on Innovation in emerging markets

(Economist special report) The world turned upside down The emerging world, long a source of cheap labour, now rivals th ...

The world & the financial crisis II
November 22, 2008, Comments Off on The world & the financial crisis II

Related posts e.g. U.S. economy and bailout measures and on Amidst much talk of the need to reform t ...

Wednesday Night #1364
April 23, 2008, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1364

Before doing our usual tour d’horizon of news and events around the globe, we would like to call to your attention ...
