All posts tagged Enbridge

Oil spills and leaks
December 8, 2016, 3 Comments

Is Canada ready for an oil spill? (video) (CBC) The Kinder Morgan pipeline will increase off B.C.’s coast. But an ...

Canada: Energy, environment & pipelines 2015
December 14, 2015, Comments Off on Canada: Energy, environment & pipelines 2015

14 December Preparing for a coming storm: Climate deal success hinges on buy-in from ordinary people ‘We must act ...

Canada: Energy, environment & pipelines 2013 -2014
December 16, 2014, 7 Comments

The Second Coming of Peter Lougheed The long, laissez-faire rule of Ralph Klein has obscured the Lougheed record: Loughe ...

Canada: Energy, environment & pipelines 2012
November 29, 2012, 3 Comments

2012: A bleak year for environmental policy (Toronto Star) … Take, for instance, Bill C-38, Canada’s longest-eve ...

Wednesday Night #1591
August 27, 2012, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1591

Update: Just to make life more exciting, Isaac menaces U.S. Gulf Coast 7 years [to the day] after Katrina. One WN wit su ...

Wednesday Night #1587
July 29, 2012, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1587

While the eyes and ears (via television, radio and Internet) of the world are turned/tuned to the London 2012 Olympics â ...
