All posts tagged greenhouse gas emissions

Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development
October 9, 2023, Comments Off on Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development

Created in 1974 to ensure the security of oil supplies, the International Energy Agency has evolved over the years. Whil ...

Climate action
July 23, 2021, Comments Off on Climate action

Amid summer of fire and floods, a moment of truth for climate action This disastrous summer is yet another portent of wh ...

Keystone XL
November 9, 2018, 2 Comments

See also Canada: Energy, environment & pipelines 2016 -17 No work can go forward on the Keystone XL oil pipeline unt ...

UN Conference on climate change COP21 Paris & aftermath
December 12, 2017, Comments Off on UN Conference on climate change COP21 Paris & aftermath

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ( Convention & The Kyoto Protocol NYT: The Bonn Climate Co ...

Quebec & Ontario cap and trade
June 3, 2008, Comments Off on Quebec & Ontario cap and trade

June 3 A monster dressed up as a market Terence Corcoran, National Post Ahh, finally. It’s all coming together, th ...
