Where the world comes together
Lincoln, JFK and Obama: What links the US presidents? (BBC) They are two of the most important dates in American history ...
The Scribe’s reflections This week`s salon witnessed a sad discussion on the depth and breadth of emphasis on rela ...
We also recommend L’historien Yves Tremblay a parfaitement raison et je le félicite by Jacques Boudreau in Le Dev ...
We promise to take another look at these in a year’s time – or maybe more. Lest we forget! George W. Bush an ...
As of January 1, 2007, according to the Ministère des Affaires municipales et des Régions of Quebec, the population of ...
In recognition of your immense contribution to the knowledge and discourse of Wednesday Night with well-reasoned argumen ...
Re The UN General Assembly Speaker Schedule is Here! I note that whoever will be speaking for Canada this year…