All posts tagged Indian Ocean

China and India 2014-July 2020
July 14, 2020, 1 Comment

See also Wednesday Night 1697 with C. Uday Bhaskar Sino-India Relations: Prospects and Challenges for 21st century BY CO ...

China geopolitical strategy 2019 – June 2020
June 27, 2020, Comments Off on China geopolitical strategy 2019 – June 2020

IN THE NAME OF CONFUCIUS (film)   27 June The Fall of China’s Mask As China’s behaviour on the world stage has ...

India 2015
December 25, 2015, 1 Comment

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Fareed Zakaria Interview Pt. 1 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Fareed Zakaria Int ...

Airline industry — Flight MH370
December 15, 2014, Comments Off on Airline industry — Flight MH370

15 December MH370: First images of what search vessels have found of lost Malaysia Airlines flight Nothing! THE search f ...

Wednesday Night #1697 with Commodore C. Uday Bhaskar
September 10, 2014, 2 Comments

A truly fascinating and informative evening thanks to our delightful new guest,Commodore Chitrapu_Uday_Bhaskar. Starting ...
