All posts tagged Jean-François Lisée

Quebec 2016-17
December 1, 2017, 2 Comments

Quebec post 2014 elections Josh Freed: Let’s come down from our Bonjour-Hi hysteria What will he want condemned ne ...

PQ post 2014 Quebec elections
September 9, 2017, Comments Off on PQ post 2014 Quebec elections

‘English is the key’: Controversy in Quebec as more francophones choose English CEGEPs Parti Québécois del ...

Charter of Quebec Values and aftermath
February 27, 2015, Comments Off on Charter of Quebec Values and aftermath

Quebec judge who demanded hijab removal needs a Charter lesson By David Butt, Toronto-based criminal lawyer who has argu ...

Montreal has a Mayor – Denis Coderre
May 18, 2014, Comments Off on Montreal has a Mayor – Denis Coderre

See also Montreal seeks a Mayor Victor Schukov: Coderre is the greatest Montreal mayor since Drapeau Staking creative li ...

Quebec post 2012 elections
April 2, 2014, 2 Comments

Quebec’s public sector debt has now reached $ 264 billion dollars. Following the tabling of the budget, the Montre ...

Montreal 2013 – a tumultuous year
December 17, 2013, 2 Comments

See also Montreal Seeks a Mayor Céline Cooper: Our city faces a greater challenge Like large municipalities all over th ...

Wednesday Night #1650
October 14, 2013, 1 Comment

Reminders for your agenda: Tuesday October 15 and Wednesday October 16  – Two screenings at Montreal’s Fest ...

Lisée, Drapeau and Montreal`s special status
October 14, 2013, Comments Off on Lisée, Drapeau and Montreal`s special status

Lisée, Drapeau and Montreal`s special status By Beryl Wajsman One of the reasons that the nationalist narrative in Queb ...

Montreal 2010-2012
December 31, 2012, 3 Comments

2012 Céline Cooper writes: Lisée charts wrong course for Montreal (The Gazette Opinion) Jean-François Lisée, the Par ...
