All posts tagged Mike Duffy

Canada Senate 2013 – 16
November 3, 2016, 1 Comment

Appointing independent senators: Leave the skepticism behind Peter Harder, the Representative of the Government in the S ...

Canada: Government & governance 2014 -15
October 14, 2015, 2 Comments

See also: Canada (Politics) in 2015; Canada anti-terror Bill C-51 Stephen Harper: The Survivor CBC National Affairs Edit ...

Wednesday Night #1727
April 8, 2015, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1727

Hoping everyone enjoyed a Happy Easter/Passover, or simply a long, restful, weekend. For those for whom Easter or Passov ...

Canada 2013-14: Politics
December 4, 2014, 2 Comments

Harper’s Tories and Trudeau’s Liberals in dead heat: poll If an election were held tomorrow, the Liberals would get ...

Wednesday Night #1631
June 5, 2013, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1631

As promised, our good friends, former US diplomats, authors and keen Canada watchers David and Terry Jones will be with ...
