All posts tagged oil spill

South China Sea /2
November 22, 2021, Comments Off on South China Sea /2

Tribunal Issues Landmark Ruling Why is the South China Sea contentious? China Seas China geopolitical strategy 2019 Chin ...

Brazil 2019 -June 2021
June 10, 2021, Comments Off on Brazil 2019 -June 2021

Brazil 2016-18 10 June Trump-appointed ambassador to Brazil resigns after 14 months (AP) — The U.S. ambassador known f ...

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Aftermath
June 24, 2019, Comments Off on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Aftermath

A supply vessel crosses over oil drifting from the site of the former Taylor Energy rig off the coast of Louisiana on Ma ...

Wednesday Night #1622
April 3, 2013, 2 Comments

Pipelines and oil spills were on everyone’s mind, thanks to the recent spills in Canada and the U.S. and several i ...

Canada: Energy, environment & pipelines 2012
November 29, 2012, 3 Comments

2012: A bleak year for environmental policy (Toronto Star) … Take, for instance, Bill C-38, Canada’s longest-eve ...

Oil spill – Gulf of Mexico 2010
September 19, 2010, Comments Off on Oil spill – Gulf of Mexico 2010

Timeline: BP oil spill (20 April to 19 September) 3 August New study finds that Gulf oil spill is the largest in history ...
