All posts tagged Pauline Marois

Charter of Quebec Values and aftermath
February 27, 2015, Comments Off on Charter of Quebec Values and aftermath

Quebec judge who demanded hijab removal needs a Charter lesson By David Butt, Toronto-based criminal lawyer who has argu ...

Quebec — PQ and Language
November 21, 2014, 1 Comment

Brilliant! Sugar Sammy blacks out English on Metro ads after OQLF complaint Sugar Sammy asked for an Office de la langue ...

Quebec elections 2014
May 5, 2014, 3 Comments

A Referendum on a Referendum: Non, Merci! Celine Cooper (Policy Magazine May/June 2014) The Quebec election campaign was ...

Quebec post 2012 elections
April 2, 2014, 2 Comments

Quebec’s public sector debt has now reached $ 264 billion dollars. Following the tabling of the budget, the Montre ...

Reasonable Accommodation 2011 – Updates
January 10, 2014, 1 Comment

Raheel Raza: Competing Human Rights in Canada Reasonable accommodation is good when not imposed from the top down. Reaso ...

Quebec elections 2012
September 14, 2012, 1 Comment

Quebec Election Results 2012: How Did The Pollsters Do? – excellent poll analysis, round-up ...
