All posts tagged Racism

White nationalism, populism, racism and domestic terrorism I
June 29, 2021, Comments Off on White nationalism, populism, racism and domestic terrorism I

29 June DHS Intel bulletin warns of risks as attack anniversaries near It’s the second time in two weeks that DHS ...

The 45th President of the U.S. Chapter IV Apr 2019 – Jan 2020
January 30, 2020, 1 Comment

30 January The Republican Cover-up Will Backfire. The House Can Keep Investigating Trump. By Jonathan Chait If the sever ...

Wednesday Night #1950
July 31, 2019, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1950

One of the last of the Expo leadership team, Yves Jasmin, for whom I worked in my first years at Expo and who post-Expo ...

Wednesday Night #1793
July 13, 2016, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1793

On Wednesday, David Cameron resigns and Theresa May moves into #10 Downing Street. Andrew Hammond, writing in the Globe ...

UN Reform
December 30, 2015, Comments Off on UN Reform

UN was headed to Philadelphia, but a Rockefeller stepped in The book “Capital of the World” chronicles the s ...
