All posts tagged taxation

Wednesday Night #1453
January 6, 2010, 1 Comment

Leonard Cohen Poet-in-residence at Westmount High With a background of the soundtrack of some of the poet’s wonder ...

Wednesday Night #1404
January 28, 2009, 1 Comment

T H E  R E P O R T Video and photos John Updike has died. Although hailed worldwide as a literary giant, his appeal has ...

Island municipalities and Montreal peace pact
June 13, 2008, Comments Off on Island municipalities and Montreal peace pact

We applaud this necessary step in the long frustrating saga of merger-demerger-agglomeration, while awaiting clarificati ...

Wednesday Night #1319
June 13, 2007, 1 Comment

Isn’t the summer weather lovely? So lovely in fact that we are having a very hard time concentrating on serious ma ...

Wednesday Night#1244
January 4, 2006, Comments Off on Wednesday Night#1244

Introduction: We were somewhat disappointed that almost nobody wanted to play our game of the 12 questions for 2006 and ...
