All posts tagged Thomas Mulcair

Canada: NDP post-2015 election
March 14, 2018, Comments Off on Canada: NDP post-2015 election

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh appeared at a pro-sovereignty event in 2016 with the co-founder of the National Sikh Youth Fede ...

Canada federal election 2015 – Final Days
October 25, 2015, Comments Off on Canada federal election 2015 – Final Days

When Harper wakes up tomorrow, Nenshi will be his mayor, Notley will be his Premier, and Trudeau will be his Prime Minis ...

Canada (Politics) in 2015
July 30, 2015, Comments Off on Canada (Politics) in 2015 Canada: Anti-terror Bill C-51 Canada: Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau 2015 Jeffrey Simpson: If th ...

Charter of Quebec Values and aftermath
February 27, 2015, Comments Off on Charter of Quebec Values and aftermath

Quebec judge who demanded hijab removal needs a Charter lesson By David Butt, Toronto-based criminal lawyer who has argu ...

Canada in 2012
December 28, 2012, 3 Comments

At Issue: The Year in politics — Best and worst in Canadian politics (404 System Error) Historical Perspective… ...

Wednesday Night #1569
March 28, 2012, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1569

Ioannis Philopoulos, former student and associate (at the Gamma Institute) of Kimon Valaskakis, is an international publ ...

Wednesday Night #1267 – with Thomas Mulcair
June 14, 2006, 1 Comment

(Photos) For several reasons, this was an unusual Wednesday Night. It was a singularly one-topic evening. Given the leve ...
