All posts tagged Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Trump administration U.S./China relations 2016 – April 2019
April 28, 2019, Comments Off on Trump administration U.S./China relations 2016 – April 2019

See also: North Korea Trump & Trade 2018 China Seas /2 The US-China trade war: 5 essential reads 29 April As trade t ...

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and after
December 1, 2017, 1 Comment

Jim Balsillie: Raise a glass to Canada’s TPP team for standing up to corporate bullies (The Globe and Mail) The Trans- ...

U.S. Foreign Relations in 2015-16
December 28, 2016, 1 Comment

See also China Seas Trump Transition: U.S. Foreign Policy   End-of-Year Sanctions: President Barack Obama announced ...

Canada International Relations – Trade (2015-16)
November 22, 2016, 1 Comment

Government of Canada: Canada’s Free Trade Agreements Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) PM Trudeau China visit 2016 Trump ...

Global Economy 2015
December 28, 2015, 1 Comment

Martin Feldstein: The Global Economy Confronts Four Geopolitical Risks (Project Syndicate) The end of the year is a good ...

Canada – U.S. 2013 – 2015
October 14, 2015, Comments Off on Canada – U.S. 2013 – 2015

Tom Brokaw Explains Canada To Americans (video) Tom Brokaw explains the relationship between Canada and The United State ...

Canada federal election 2015 – Part I
October 10, 2015, Comments Off on Canada federal election 2015 – Part I

 List of Canadian federal general elections Canada: Government & governance 2014 -15 Canada (Politics) in 2015 Éri ...

Wednesday Night #1753
October 7, 2015, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1753

Starting with the good news: Congratulations to Canada’s Arthur B. McDonald and Japan’s Takaaki Kajita on winnin ...

Wednesday Night #1733
May 20, 2015, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1733

The week’s news ranges from the deadly serious to a  particularly eclectic if not downright bizarre collection th ...

U.S. Foreign Relations in 2013 – 2014
December 29, 2014, 1 Comment

Kevin Drum: Obama’s Foreign Policy: Frustrating, Perhaps, But Better Than Most of the Alternatives (Mother Jones) ...
