Wednesday Night 1034 – Christmas 2001

Written by  //  December 26, 2001  //  Wednesday Nights  //  Comments Off on Wednesday Night 1034 – Christmas 2001

We have been exceptionally remiss this year in communicating with our friends around the world and it is most certainly not because we haven’t thought of you. Remember when the wait for a special date seemed an eternity? Now, as we approach eternity, the acceleration is positively frightening. So much to do and so little time….
The Wednesday Night Salon turned 1000 on May 2nd amidst great celebration. With the following week’s, “Veils and Tales”, we happily agreed that the tradition is bigger than we are, so we shall proceed to whatever milestone comes next. We also thank you for your 1000th letters and your notes about the National Post story by Mireille Silcott & Photos by Christinne Muschi
Fiona is still with the CIBC Electronic Banking Centre in Regina, however that could change any time. We had a lovely surprise visit from her for Easter weekend, which coincided with a trip East for her older brother David. It was a delightful family reunion. This summer she bought a house in Canmore, Alberta, about an hour away from Calgary and takes possession in mid-January. It is quite an adventure for her and we have had lots of long distance consultations about paint color and where to have electric outlets. Go see where she’ll be at: Look for the Wolfwillow model.
Marc remains in London and has had the wit and intelligence to propose to his lovely Jean Low. Having always considered Jean the steadier and more logical of the pair, we are somewhat astounded that she has agreed to spend the rest of her life with Marc, but we are thrilled and happy for them. The celebrations next summer will be multi-continental and cultural, plans include Bali wedding, & receptions in London, Montreal (Westmount & Beaconsfield) and Singapore. Where will you join us?
David continues to amaze the world with his Web prowess and the organization of the weekly Salons. His enthusiasm rarely flags and the results are spectacular. Visit us at, if you haven’t done so already. You will find it quite an experience.
Diana is still having the time of her life at IATA and, on November 15th, became responsible for the content, style, editing and image of the IATA Web site, which is undergoing a major transformation. As the least tekkie member of the family, this is an amazing experience and a daunting challenge, but there’s a great team to help her learn.
Being associated with IATA has meant that we have been buffeted professionally as well as personally by the awful events of September 11th . To our (or, at least, Diana’s) surprise, we have been impressed by how well George Bush has handled the aftermath. It will be a long haul to overcome the threats of terrorism and, more importantly, to wisely mobilize the resources required to cure the underlying causes of marginalization of millions of people throughout the world. We can only hope that the Allies are up to it.
On the home front, the house is still standing and we are still here, despite the disagreeable amalgamation of our beloved little municipality into the ill-conceived Montreal Mega City project that takes effect on January 1st. The thought of moving is, however too daunting to contemplate – and where would we go? The dogs are unaware of any threat to their habitat, so they thrive and continue to rule our lives.
The only thing left to make us totally happy would be to see you and have a real opportunity to catch up rather than this monologue.
Until then, we send you our fondest love and greetings and every good wish for a serene and joy-filled 2002 with blessings showering on you and yours.

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