Wednesday Night #1305 – 25th Anniversary by Jeremy Jonas

Written by  //  March 7, 2007  //  Special Wednesday Nights, Special Wednesdays  //  1 Comment


An eye-witness account:
Jeremy Jonas writes to John & Holly in Australia:

From: Jeremy Jonas Sent:
Fri 3/9/2007 4:39 AM
To: John Joseph Jonas, Prof.
Subject: Wednesday Night
Well, despite your absence the family was well represented with 3 of us there
– Jono also brought a posse of well-dressed friends and roommates.
The soirée went very well, basically a well-lubricated cocktail party –
though drinks were more or less limited to using up the many, many old
bottles of red wine that have been accumulating over time. Thank goodness
that plonk too benefits in palatability from aging. Serves us all right, so
to speak, as we were collectively the ones that would have brought the wine
there over time.
There was actually not much by way of speeches etc. There were some brief
remarks, and indeed they read messages from a few <<proches>> such as yours,
which was very nicely written and very well received.
Peter Trent wrote and performed a very charming and witty G&S-type song,
complete with back-up chorus with David and Diana masks. That was certainly
a (if not the) highlight of the evening. Many people you know were referred
to in the song (Julius, Tony, etc. etc.) including the Jonas hordes.
Everyone was in a great mood and really, it was just a lovely evening and
fun party. Another high-light in my books was authentic Schwartz’s smoked
meat served at midnight with all the trimmings. It was popular with many.
The basement was in excellent form (thanks to Maisonneuve) and the party
oscillated between floors. There was very charming company of all genders
and all very well turned out – enough said on that.
… I imagine photos will shortly be up on the website… Jeremy

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