Wednesday Night #1305 Roslyn's Song

Wednesday Night

The candles softly flickering

We’re welcomed in the room
Our places at the table
Films ready for their turn
Economists and lawyers
Politicians, students too
Wednesday Night is starting
There never are too few
The Chairman is seated
Guests take to their chairs

Musicians, doctors, businessmen
Beliefs are deeply aired
A cross section of society
They all come here to share
Subjects vary weekly
The guest list none too few
“Come one, come all we’re ready

And when it is all over
The guests will go away
Entertained and full of new insight
Until next Wednesday Night!
Wednesday Night is here again
Tinker’s waiting at the door
Diana’s lighting candles
David’s tapes land on the floor
It’s Wednesday Night
All over again
The guests come through the door …

© Copyright 2007 Roslyn Takeishi and Christopher van Soest
All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

One Comment on "Wednesday Night #1305 Roslyn's Song"

  1. Diana Thébaud Nicholson March 11, 2007 at 1:02 pm ·

    March 11
    Dear Purring Princess,
    Only this morning did we have an opportunity to sit quietly and listen to your beautiful song. To say that we were deeply touched would be a gross
    understatement – it is quite simply, perfectly lovely – both the sentiment
    and the melody! And Tinker much appreciates the mention by name.
    Thank you and thanks also to your charming partner, Chris.
    What a fantastic evening it was … we are truly blessed in our friends and
    the diversity of Wednesday Nighters. It all went by too quickly, of course
    and we will need everyone’s help to piece the whole evening together.
    I realized as I looked at the tape that that I had been interrupted in my
    public thanks to those who had made such an outstanding contribution to the
    evening and thus did not give you and Chris the public recognition that was
    your due. I DO apologize, it was an oversight that should not have happened.
    Please forgive me – it will be made up for on the Website ….
    Once again, heartfelt thanks and love,
    Diana The Mouse

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