This is such sad news, Diana. He was a presence of calm and reason in our discussions which were sometimes…
West Wing of Wednesday Night #3
Written by Diana Thebaud Nicholson // June 11, 2008 // Alexandra T. Greenhill, Canada, Natural Disasters, West Wing (WWWN) // 1 Comment
The third installment of the Wednesday Night Salon – West Wing – will be held in Vancouver on Wednesday night June 11th.
We are disappointed that so far the participants in the West Wing are so publicity shy that they will not permit even unattributed quotations to be shared with the Mother Ship; we hope for a change in the near future as the brief accounts we have received indicated some flashes of great originality, intelligence and the humor that has always been a trademark of the evenings. Can it be that our West Wing cousins are so much more reticent (or intimidated) than those of us residing in or visiting La Belle Province? After all, it is we who reside in the shadow of the somewhat threatening Je me souviens.
We have now enjoyed two greatly successful sessions now – with an animated debate and a great spread of issues to opine on! What is the concept??
to entertain, inform and occasionally comment on a wide range of subjects of interest to us and to the many participants in and contributors to the Wednesday Night Salon and the Nicholson Files.Our goal is to promote understanding of and openness to different views. While we do not seek to convince, our hope is that each participant will gain new information and a new perspective, – an I-hadn’t-thought-about-it-that-way-before – reaction.” see the description of the Montreal original created by Diana and David Nicholson and our own “West Wing” section of the website graciously set up by Diana.
Attendance is by invitation, or “Wednesday Nighters” are encouraged to alert the hosts to the possibility of inviting special guests, visitors or new members of the community who may contribute expertise or a special viewpoint. If the guests “work”, the host would invite them to become regulars.
The topics we could look at covering next time include:
epidemic and natural disaster preparedness & food scarcity – real issues and fear mongering – from quarantined trains to East Asian disasters to the food crisis
– the track record and future of the “Responsibility to Protect” – and how does the funding of our military really compare with other countries?
– post-Castro petro-Cuba: what is Castro’s legacy and what will be Canada’s role in the future of Cuba?
– or we could cover all of the topics mentioned in the last invite that we did not get around to covering last time!
Of course, one never knows where the conversation goes, we may cover all or none, as you will all have things you are currently involved in or interested in that you will bring to the roundtable!
One Comment on "West Wing of Wednesday Night #3"
West Wing’s June 11 Edition
Dear Alexandra,
I wanted to send you a belated thank you for your work hosting the last West Wing edition of Wednesday Night. It was absolutely wonderful and markedly different from the Montreal incarnation. I wanted to copy Diana and let her know what a great job you’re doing. And if we’re lucky, maybe we’ll get Vancouver’s next mayor as a future guest.
Diana, we dealt heavily with copyright, artistic currency and happiness, and considering the number of lawyers in the room, the conversation was quite animated. 🙂 Alexandra is doing true justice to the Wednesday Night name.
Sincerely, to both of you, thank you. Karen