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2008 Democratic National Convention
Written by Diana Thebaud Nicholson // August 28, 2008 // Politics, U.S. // 1 Comment
August 25-28, Denver, Colorado
The convention will bring as many as 50,000 guests to the region including delegates, politicians and an influx of media and political enthusiasts from around the nation. A partial breakdown includes 15,000 members of the media; 6,000 delegates; and 14,000 party members, elected officials and others.
Denver is committed to making this the greenest convention in history. We’re promoting sustainable practices to minimize the environmental impacts of the convention. Learn more…
Denver Host Committee
Phantom and super delegates
Charlie Rose Live coverage
Jon Stewart lectures reporters on coverage
Thursday, Aug. 28
38 Million Watch Obama’s Acceptance Speech
Nielsen Media Research said more people watched Obama speak than watched the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing, the final “American Idol” or the Academy Awards this year. Obama talked before a live audience of 80,000 people in Denver.
Obama’s audience might be higher, since Nielsen didn’t have an estimate for how many people watched Obama on PBS (as we did) or C-SPAN Thursday night.
Obama Takes the Fight to McCain
The speech by Senator Obama … left little doubt how he intended to press his campaign against Mr. McCain this fall.
In cutting language, and to cheers that echoed across the stadium, he linked Mr. McCain to what he described as the “failed presidency of George W. Bush” and — reflecting what has been a central theme of his campaign since he entered the race — “the broken politics in Washington.”
“America, we are better than these last eight years,” he said. “We are a better country than this.”
Mr. Obama’s acceptance speech
Johnson’s Dream, Obama’s Speech
… in some respects Mr. Obama’s candidacy is the climax — at least thus far — of a movement based not only on the sacrifices and heroism of the Rev. Dr. King and generations of black fighters for civil rights but also on the political genius of Lyndon Baines Johnson, who as it happens was born 100 years ago yesterday.
Politics, Spectacle and History Under Open Sky
Under clear skies after a humid day, the crowd of nearly 80,000 was a hodgepodge of suited Democratic donors, senators, delegates, party bigwigs, celebrities, political tourists, teenage volunteers and older voters — many of them African-American — bent on seeing a moment they had thought they would never witness. Some waited for five hours in baking heat in a line up to a mile long to come to the stadium.
Gore Hailed, Warns Against McCain, Climate Change
DENVER – Al Gore, who lost the 2000 election but has become a world leader on the environment, was embraced at the Democratic Party’s convention on Thursday as a comeback hero — with a warning against John McCain and climate change.
“We face essentially the same choice we faced in 2000, though it may be even more obvious now, because (Republican presidential candidate) McCain … is now openly endorsing the policies of the Bush-Cheney White House and promising to actually continue them,” Gore said.
“Hey, I believe in recycling, but that’s ridiculous,” Gore said, drawing cheers and laughter.
August 27
Obama Nominated By Acclamation, Accepts Nomination (VIDEO)
Bill comes through for Barack – and is right on message
(The Independent) On Wednesday evening, amid the rapturous cheering of 4,000 convention delegates (“I love it” Bill beamed his Bubba beam at one point), the former President delivered the goods. The previous evening, Hillary had been criticised for stinting in praise of her conqueror. Bill, by contrast, mentioned Barack 15 times by name in his 15-minute speech – in the first sentence, the last sentence, and more than a dozen times between. And in case anyone missed the point, a man celebrated for improvising and ad-libbing had his speech distributed in advance and did not deviate an iota. Democrats need be nervous no longer. This Bill Clinton was 100 per cent on message. Bill Clinton speech
Joe Biden Acceptance speech transcript
Clinton Rallies Her Troops to Fight for Obama
DENVER — With her husband looking on tenderly and her supporters watching with tears in their eyes, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton deferred her own dreams on Tuesday night and delivered an emphatic plea at the Democratic National Convention to unite behind her rival, Senator Barack Obama, no matter what ill will lingered. Transcript of speech
Hillary’s Best Line: Were You In It For Me?
… What a great and poignant question. Did you really think this was all about me and not about the issues? Don’t you remember that this was all about getting the people who need help the assistance that they desperately need? Did you forget that we started down this road because we wanted to provide Americans with a hope for a better future? That we wanted to make sure the rules weren’t stacked against them? Did you think this was all about me?
That is the winning line. That’s the one that showed me that she genuinely did her best to actually convince her followers that they had to support Barack Obama.
August 26
Obama’s Convention Danger
(Huffington Post) Conventions have assumed their own peculiar, albeit important, place on the political calendar. They offer major candidates a chance to control the agenda and the media for four days, and to craft an agenda, a tone, and an approach. But they also represent many of the failings of modern politics — the relentless messaging, scripting, and polishing of image. In that respect, the convention carries more risks for Obama than for McCain. His strength is and has been the degree to which he promises a break from the way we’ve come to understand national politics. He has tried to shift the political dialogue and redefine what it means to run for office and lead a fractious country. That is the opposite of the stage-managed convention. Click here to read more.
Democrats Take Stage, and the G.O.P. Crowds On
(NYT) DENVER — In a modern production studio about a mile from where the Democrats were opening their convention here Monday, a SWAT team of Republican operatives dispatched to crash Senator Barack Obama’s party was reveling in its accomplishments.
Two new advertisements devised to stoke the sore feelings of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s devotees were widely covered online and on cable news channels; a news conference the Republicans produced with former Clinton supporters who said they were now backing Senator John McCain drew a standing-room-only crowd of reporters; and a “Happy Hour for Hillary” cocktail party was planned, to be followed by an appearance by Mr. McCain on “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno.”
August 25
Fighting Cancer, Kennedy Adds an Opening Spark
Text of Senator Kennedy’s Remarks at the Democratic Convention
Michelle Obama takes spotlight at Democratic convention
(Independent) Two powerful speeches, one by an ailing Senator Edward Kennedy, the other by Michelle Obama, electrified Democrats gathered in Denver last night, as they prepared to formally nominate Barack Obama the party’s presidential candidate on Thursday.
Appeals Evoking American Dream Rally Democrats
Mr. Kennedy’s appearance wiped away, at least for the evening, some of the tension that continued to plague the party in the wake of the primary fight between Mr. Obama and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. It also represented an effort by the Obama campaign to claim the Kennedy mantle, and it set the stage for the second part of what was designed to be an emotionally powerful two-act evening: an appearance later by Michelle Obama, who began a week-long effort to present her husband — and his entire family — as embodiments of the American dream.
HEADLINE SPEAKER Michelle Obama, wife of the presumptive nominee, Senator Barack Obama, Democrat of Illinois
UPDATE A scheduled appearance by [Senator Ted] Kennedy, who is being treated for brain cancer, is likely to provide a highly emotional moment. The convention had planned for a video tribute but word escaped Sunday night that he would be on hand himself, only his second significant public appearance since he was diagnosed this summer.
What Obama Needs to Do in Denver
The Kerry Playbook: How to Suck the Life Out of a Candidate in Ten Easy Steps
It is time, once and for all, for Democrats to burn the Kerry playbook. For those who have done their best to forget … It is the same playbook used to guide one losing Democratic campaign after another for decades.
Anxious Party Hopes to Show Strong Obama
DENVER — Democrats gathering here for their nominating convention are significantly more nervous about Senator Barack Obama’s prospects this fall than they were a month ago, and are urging him to use the next four days to address weaknesses in his candidacy and lingering party divisions from the primary fight.
Democratic convention in Denver: Carnival mood as campaigners take to streets
Denver yesterday gave way to four days of pure political theatre, opening its streets to party enthusiasts in full red, white and blue regalia and anti-war protesters in white death masks, who converged on the city to see Barack Obama declared the Democrats’ presidential nominee. … police on bicyles, horseback and on foot with assault rifles cradled close to their chests.
Poll fears ahead of Democratic convention
A successful presidential convention can give the nominee a five- to 10- percentage point bounce in opinion polls. But as Barack Obama and running mate Joe Biden chart their course across the swing states of the mid-west towards Denver on Wednesday, a large chunk of media attention will be eaten up by Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Many supporters of Mr Obama express private anguish over the prominent role he has conceded to the former president and first lady on three out of the four days of the convention this week. The democratic nominee starts off the convention with an insignificant 1- to 2- percentage-point lead over republican rival John McCain.
Delegates for Clinton Back Obama, but Show Concerns
[In a] poll, which was taken before Mr. Obama selected Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware as his running mate
…more than 80 percent of the delegates surveyed said they enthusiastically supported Mr. Obama, and about as many (including more than two-thirds of Mrs. Clinton’s pledged delegates) were confident he would win the election. Majorities across all regions except the South said Mr. Obama held an edge in their state.
Asked to name what they perceived to be Mr. Obama’s greatest strength, the delegates were most apt to cite his ability to inspire and his ability to bring change. Inexperience was by far the top weakness that was cited for the 47-year-old first-term senator, offered by more than 4 in 10 delegates. Eight percent said his race was a weakness, and smaller percentages named foreign policy, youth and vague policy proposals as shortcomings.
August 22
Who Will Introduce Obama?
By Katharine Q. Seelye
(NYT) More details are coming out about the line-up for the Democratic convention in Denver.
On Monday night, Caroline Kennedy is to introduce a video of her uncle, Ted, and then Michelle Obama takes the stage. Tuesday night is for Senator Hillary Clinton.
Perhaps the trickiest night will be Wednesday, which promises to be the busiest (and perhaps the most tumultous). It will include the roll call, in which Mrs. Clinton’s name will be placed in nomination alongside Senator Barack Obama; a speech by Bill Clinton, and the speech of the vice presidential nominee.
August 18
For Convention, Obama’s Image Is All-American
WASHINGTON — One of the first images prime-time viewers will see of the Democratic National Convention next week is that of Michelle Obama, who will begin the four-day introduction of her husband, and her family, on her terms.
Like everything else at the orchestrated gala, that is by design.
Democrats face a number of imperatives at their convention, none trickier than making more voters comfortable with the prospect of putting a candidate with a most unusual background — the son of a black Kenyan father and a white Kansan mother, who grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia — and his family in the White House. No one, his advisers believe, makes the case better for Senator Barack Obama of Illinois than his wife, who will expand her profile by delivering one of the marquee speeches carried by television networks.
Through four nights there will be testimonials from family members like Mr. Obama’s wife and sister who will tell his “very American story,” in the words of one adviser, and from party luminaries like Senator Edward M. Kennedy (by videotape) and former President Bill Clinton (live) who will give Mr. Obama, the presumptive presidential nominee, the imprimatur of the party establishment.
August 17
Powell, Obama – something big in the works?
Here’s a prediction: Colin Powell is going to endorse Barack Obama.
August 14
Hillary’s Name Will Be On The Ballot At Democrat Convention
WASHINGTON – Hillary Rodham Clinton’s name will be placed in nomination along with nominee-in-waiting Barack Obama at the Democratic convention in Denver, an emblematic move intended to unite the party after a divisive primary fight.
Democrats will officially nominate Obama at the convention but the state delegations will do a traditional roll call for his vanquished opponent as well.
The arrangement — which the rivals-turned-allies agreed to after weeks of negotiations — is intended to help the Democratic Party heal after a bruising primary while mollifying still-disgruntled Clinton backers and acknowledging the former first lady’s groundbreaking presidential run.
August 10
Platform Fight: Activists Win Commitment to Guaranteed [Health] Care|
by John Nichols
(Common Dreams) Pressured by progressive activists who objected to the tepid language in a draft document prepared by the Barack Obama campaign, the Democratic platform-writing committee reworked the party’s official agenda Saturday to include a clear commitment “that every American man, woman and child be guaranteed to have affordable, comprehensive health care.”
August 8
Bill Clinton given prime Denver role
According to the Democratic National Committee, Mr Clinton … will speak on the third night and Hillary Clinton will speak on the second. Mr Obama … will give his set piece address on the fourth and final night on August 28.
Mr Obama has been put under growing pressure to accommodate Mrs Clinton’s ambitious role in Denver, which still includes the implicit threat that her delegates would vote for her in a roll call.
Many Democrats fear that a strong role for both Clintons could undermine the message of unity that Mr Obama hopes to project in Denver while also diluting his signature message of change.
Clintons creating new headaches for Obama
… Clinton said she wanted Obama to be nominated by a unified convention, but her remarks left an impression she would not object if her supporters made a symbolic show of support by nominating her as the candidate, while knowing that the effort would fail.
One Comment on "2008 Democratic National Convention"
Let us not forget … that in addition to statements like ‘America is a mean country’ … and, ‘this is the first time in my adult life that I’m proud to be an American’ … Michelle Obama also made the decision to expose her children for years, to Jeremiah Wright, Pfleiger, Moss, Farrakhan, and the rest of the radical anti-American racists at the black liberation Trinity Church of Chicago. Is this who we want for America’s first lady … I don’t think so !!!