Election Night 4 November 2008

Written by  //  November 4, 2008  //  Wednesday Nights  //  Comments Off on Election Night 4 November 2008

In response to a number of requests, we are happy to confirm that Tuesday Night, November 4, the door will be flung open to all who wish to view the U.S. election results in good company.

As the polls close at various points after 7pm (and we do NOT plan to stay up for the Alaska returns, although we are curious to see what that maverick state may do with Ted Stevens),  we suggest that any time after 8-8:30 is probably good. Do come for any part – or all – of the evening and bring a bottle as we toast the results, or if necessary, drown our sorrows.

Warning: 33 Rosemount is  territory. Nonetheless, in the spirit of tolerance of those misguided souls who believe Sarah Palin to have been a good choice as a future President of anywhere other than Alaska, we welcome all  minority views.

We offer for guidance the following website pages and welcome your comments if you cannot be present:
http://www.dianaswednesday.com/2008/11/november-4-2008-election-day/ ; all posts on
www.wednesday-night.com and http://www.wednesday-night.com/BarackObama.asp

Friends of Friends are welcome.

For those of you who cannot make it on Tuesday, you are cordially invited, under the usual conditions, for the wrap-up on Wednesday Night #1392, November 5, appropriately, Guy Fawkes Night.


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