Reverend George E. Tracy R.I.P.

Written by  //  August 15, 2010  //  Absent Friends  //  1 Comment

31 Jan 1935 – 5 Sept 2009 R.I.P.

Tracy, Reverend Monsignor George E. was raised in Connecticut, New York City, and Washington D.C., and was a Priest and member of the Diocese of Portland, Maine. After attending Dartmouth his freshman year, where he nurtured his continuing love of song by singing tenor in the “Injunaires” men’s singing group, Monsignor Tracy transferred and later graduated from Georgetown University, with a B.A. degree in Political Theory.
Following graduation, he began a career in international banking in New York on Wall Street. He also became involved in many Manhattan Church projects. During this period, he made an eventual decision to return to academic life hoping to broaden his education in a way that would allow him to be a servant to both Church and State. His goal was to enter the Diplomatic corps. He earned a Pontifical Degree, Ph.L. at the Jesuit Weston College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in the Philosophy of Religion at Boston College analyzing the theology and philosophy of Reverend Bernard Lonergan, S.J.
Monsignor began teaching at Boston College in 1965 and later in his career joined the faculty of the Jesuit R ockhurst College in Kansas City, Missouri, and Saint John’s University, New York City. Monsignor Tracy held an academic position as Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University, England, and was a Life Member of Saint Edmund’s College. He was also Adjunct Professor of Theology at Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio, and at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.
In 1976 Monsignor Tracy, then a lay Associate Professor at Rockhurst, met Mother Teresa of Calcutta at the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia. Both were speakers at that Congress. A life long friendship developed. She was God’s gift through whom he found our Lord’s call to the Priesthood. In 1978, Mother invited Monsignor to Calcutta to serve her community as a lay volunteer. During this period of service, she directed him to a long period of prayer in order to claim Christ’s call to the priesthood as his vocation. Mother urged him to begin a work as a priest that would bring the undivided love of Christ to leadership persons throughout the world “who suffer from the spiritual poverty of the affluent West, as the values of business, family life, medicine, law, politics, government, and diplomacy have been eroded to the point of creating and fostering spiritual bankruptcy in the world.” Mother counseled her lay volunteer to build a community for the Church that would both restore the hearts of leadership within the unity of the hearts of Jesus and His Mother and reestablish a virtue ethics, through which, leadership would transform the world in its moral life.
Following Ordination to the Priesthood in June of 1984, on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monsignor’s first pastoral assignment was as a United States Navy Chaplain to the Marine Corps. He reveled in the camaraderie and deprivations associate[d] with serving the spiritual needs of his fine Marines, completing eleven years of active and reserve military duty. In fact, while serving in the Philippines, he was introduced to His Eminence Jaime Cardinal Sin, Archbishop of Manila (who was famous for his instrumental assistance to Corazon Aquino in leading the “Bloodless Revolution” that ousted the corrupt Ferdinand Marcos as Philippine President).
At the beginning of this new friendship, Cardinal Sin asked Chaplain Tracy to assist him in presenting seminars to the military and business leadership of the Philippines. This path also included an invitation for Chaplain Tracy to give a seminar about the work of Cor Christi Trinitate to the Bishop’s Conference in Tokyo, Japan. During this period, Cardinal Sin encouraged Chaplain Tracy to pray to be able to fulfill Mother Teresa’s desire that he begin the community of Cor Christi Trinitate… “at this time of the Second Reformation, as the presence of Christ is again being denied in our world.” Cor Christi Trinitate, as a new work in the Church, has its members in the United States, London, Poland, Central and South America.
While bringing his message on personal contemplation and the healing of spiritual poverty, Monsignor Tracy wrote a book that discussed the spirituality of Cor Christi Trinitate along with an autobiographical treatment of the roots of his calling to the priesthood and the work of Cor Christi Trinitate. In this book Monsignor Tracy included the first 36 of his remarkable “Dialogues” with Christ. The book received the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur of the Holy Roman Catholic Church in 1998.
Monsignor Tracy was born in Hartford, Connecticut on January 31, 1935. The son of William E. Tracy and Laura Tracy (nee Lynch). He passed away on September 5, 2009 and it was remarkable that his death came on the twelfth anniversary of the passing of his beloved mentor, Mother Theresa. He will be buried at Quantico National Cemetery in Prince William County, Virginia.
Published in Orange County Register, 11-13 September 2009

Monsignor George E. Tracy, Ph.D.
Cor Christi Trinitate – The Nobility of Humility
The basis for Cor Christi are “the dialogues”. The dialogues are teachings from Christ that are received by the Founder/Director, Msgr. George E. Tracy. Cor Christi is unfailingly loyal to the Pope and the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, and its development is being guided directly by Vatican officials.

From: peter mcallister [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: August-15-10 3:37 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: George Tracy obit.

Hi Di
You probably have seen this but I just learned about his passing from my brother Steven who lives in Rockport Maine and Kevin O’Shaugnessy, who were visiting Isleboro where George once resided and Kevin summered somewhat later. Having seen some of George’s autobiographical material I can imagine this jam-packed obit was largely George’s last hurrah. Quite an exemplary life
Hope you are having a great summer.
Cheers Peter

One Comment on "Reverend George E. Tracy R.I.P."

  1. Diana Thebaud Nicholson March 29, 2013 at 4:21 pm ·

    We wonder what our old friend would have thought of – and how he would have disputed – the increasing criticism of Mother Teresa led by the late Christopher Hitchens.

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