Wednesday Night #1784

Written by  //  May 11, 2016  //  Wednesday Nights  //  Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1784

Apologies for the tardiness and brevity of this message. Circumstances beyond …

However, we have a few thoughts and you can check out the most current updates

A is of course for Alberta and the continuing drama of the Fort McMurray wildfire. High praise for Premier Notley as CBC’s Insiders debate The Politics of Disaster Management
A should also be for the amazing generosity of Canadians – At $60 million and counting, donations for Fort McMurray evacuees have already surpassed the $43.3 million Canadians gave during the 2013 Alberta floods
A is also for Africa, where the WEF on Africa meets in Kigali, Rwanda

B is for Birthdays – sending love and happy wishes to Tony Deutsch and David Oliver
Brazil where chaos is the order of the day
The bus driver’s son who is now (the first Muslim) Mayor of London – following in Naheed Nenshi’s footsteps?
Bernie Sanders who won in West Virginia
And the Beer-loving black pig left behind during Fort McMurray evacuation found safe

C is for Climate Change. Yes, We Need to Talk About Climate Change and
Corruption David Cameron has got himself into a bit of diplomatic trouble. What’s up with  all the unfortunate ‘caught on tape” remarks reported from Britain? Even the Queen caught being undiplomatic about China.

D is for the two Wednesday Night Davids writing this week about nuclear North Korea
Also for The Donald who continues to pick a fight with Paul Ryan

 E is for Economists and Europe. To no-one’s surprise, two recent assessments of the economics of Brexit, from the Treasury and a new group calling itself Economists for Brexit, come to diametrically opposed conclusions. At the same time, the CEE countries appear to have lost their appetite for membership in the EU.

We will let you complete the alphabet soup of news.

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