This is such sad news, Diana. He was a presence of calm and reason in our discussions which were sometimes…
Brian Morel OWN R.I.P.
Written by Diana Thebaud Nicholson // May 27, 2022 // Absent Friends // 1 Comment
19 January 2022
It is with greatest sorrow that we share the news that Brian Morel died on Thursday, January 13. I do not yet have any details and will be sending more information as I receive it.
He was such a loyal friend, generous to a fault, intellectually curious, blessed with a deep spirituality, and an integral part of Wednesday Night for so many years. We will miss him greatly, but take consolation in the pleasure he will take in rejoining such Wednesday Nighters as Kimon and Desmond Morton for debates echoing those he so greatly enjoyed at the McGill Faculty Club.
Meantime, we came across this wonderful clip of Brian’s pitch for Infinitheatre for whom he volunteered in many capacities over the years.
Infinithéâtre’s Brian Morel Invites YOU!
Brian Morel
22 juin 1941 – 13 janvier 2022
C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Brian Morel, retraité de l’Université McGill, survenu le 13 janvier 2022 à l’âge de 80 ans.
Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse Pierrette Boisvert, ses filles Geneviève (Éric Villeneuve) et Valérie (Rémy Costard), ses petits-fils Antoine et Jules ainsi que ses frères Richard (Yolande Trudel), Bruce et Philip, ses belles-sœurs Aline Boisvert et Marie-Reine Laliberté, ses beaux-frères Clément Boisvert et René Simoneau, plusieurs neveux et nièces ainsi que de nombreux amis.
Brian avait toujours un regard bienveillant envers les gens et était un passionné de multi médias, de photographie et de culture.
En raison des circonstances exceptionnelles, une cérémonie sur invitation seulement aura lieu le vendredi 4 février 2022 au salon funéraire Collins Clarke MacGillivray White, situé au 307, Riverside, Saint-Lambert. L’inhumation aura lieu à une date ultérieure.
Vos témoignages de sympathie peuvent se traduire par un don à la Fondation du CHUM, institution à laquelle il était reconnaissant de lui avoir permis de retrouver une qualité de vie qu’il appréciait tellement.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Brian Morel, retired from McGill University, on January 13, 2022 at the age of 80.
He is survived by his wife Pierrette Boisvert, his daughters Geneviève (Éric Villeneuve) and Valérie (Rémy Costard), his grandsons Antoine and Jules as well as his brothers Richard (Yolande Trudel), Bruce and Philip, his sisters-in-law Aline Boisvert and Marie-Reine Laliberté, his brothers-in-law Clément Boisvert and René Simoneau, several nieces and nephews as well as many friends.
Brian always had a benevolent eye towards people and was passionate about multi-media, photography and culture.
Due to the exceptional circumstances, an invitation-only ceremony will be held on Friday, February 4, 2022 at the Collins Clarke MacGillivray White Funeral Home, located at 307 Riverside, Saint-Lambert. Burial will take place at a later date.
Brian’s family would like to invite you to pay his respects at his home on May 28th from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. PLEASE RSVP.
Brian’s family invites you to a gathering in his memory at his home the 28th of May from 3 until 5h30. Please confirm your presence.
One Comment on "Brian Morel OWN R.I.P."
15 January 2022
I do not have any details and will be sending more information as I receive it, but thought you would want to know.
He was such a great friend, generous to a fault, and an integral part of Wednesday Night for so many years.
I will miss him greatly, but take consolation in the image of him and David bedeviling St. Peter for more cameras and more wire connections – or maybe they won’t need them now that they reside in The Cloud.
I know you share my sorrow at the loss of this very dear friend.
I am certain he and dad are tinkering.
May he Rest In Peace.
Fiona Nicholson