All posts in Wednesday Nights

The accounts of Wednesday Night Salons in chronological order appear below. The task of archiving them is on-going . As stated elsewhere, it was not until the early 90s that we began to keep weekly records of discussions, therefore, there are, unfortunately, major gaps in the earlier chronicles.
Most, but not all, accounts until 2014 were written by our Scribe, Herb Bercovitz, and edited as required, by Diana, however a number of other Wednesday Nighters also contributed their note-keeping talents on occasions when Herb was absent. Since Herb was no longer up to the task, the entries for Wednesday Night consist only of the “Prologues”. Chatham House rules prevail!

Wednesday Night #725
January 24, 1996, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #725

The following excellent Report was retrieved from paper(!) files and, sadly, we cannot ascertain its authorship. Ten gue ...

Wednesday Night #700 by Sam Totah
August 2, 1995, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #700 by Sam Totah

Soirée of Wednesday –August 2, 1995 the 700th of these consecutive soirées The special guest for the occasion wa ...

Wednesday Night #678
March 1, 1995, 1 Comment

In a thank-you letter dated March 2, and following his first visit to a Wednesday Night, Sam Totah wrote: I would like t ...

Wednesday Night #467 and the Spicer Commission
February 6, 1991, 2 Comments

Wednesday Night, the Spicer Commission and Water As we pulled into the parking lot of our hotel in Saint Augustine one e ...