John Pratt: You'll get used to it

A friend and colleague from Diana’s earliest days at expo 67, the late John Pratt, architect, politician and above all entertainer, was a frequent Wednesday Nighter.

During World War II, John was a star of Meet the Navy in which his show-stopping performance of “You’ll get used to it” became a trade mark. Many years later, he wrote (and performed) the following tribute, to the delight of Wednesday Nighters.

You’ll get used to it. You’ll get used to it

In a frenzy every Wednesday, You’ll get used to it.

Political economy, The Market, Rape and Sodomy,

They’re all discussed, and it’s a must,

That everyone be fair and just.

It’s wonderful. It’s marvelous

The Nicholsons have started quite a trend.

You’ve got to get used to it, and when you’re used to it,

You’ll realize our world is going to end

In Revolutions.

But on Wednesdays we’ll continue to attend

With no solutions.

And eventually we’ll all go ’round the bend.

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