Wednesday Night #1296 Invitation

Written by  //  January 3, 2007  //  Wednesday Nights  //  1 Comment

ROB TV and Paul Kangas’ reviews,
Fred Langan and Ron on Business News,
Erudite Rex and Revue politique,
Sometimes witty, sometimes oblique

Lou Rukeyser did it for so many years
In formal dress to allay all our fears.
NPR’s “Memorable Moments” are not quite the same
The lack of Lou’s puns must be to blame.

Forbes magazine, Newsweek, AP and Time,
UPI, and Aljazeera – but never in rhyme –
New York Times, BBC, IHT all delight
In casting events in pontifical light

Friedman, Dowd, Stewart, Rose, demand our attention
Kristol, Colbert and Coulter are worthy of mention
[Editor’s note: if only to make some of us shudder]
Axworthy, Watson, Mansfield the host,
Ian*, George*, John Moore, Adam*, The National Post,

Pundits and sources of the Left and the Right,
We all can enjoy their flawless hindsight
Whilst delivering to readers and viewers quite smugly
Their lists of the year’s good, bad and ugly.

Although bloggers and writers and critics galore
Leave most of us wishing for rather less than more,
The Salon will offers its own pundits’ reviews.
Hans Black will lead the critique of the news,

Dissecting and forecasting business and pleasure,
With world events thrown in for good measure.
Deutsch, Perkins, Stanley, Hustak to name but a few,
Will plumb past events for the old and the new.

So join us for Wednesday Night’s look at the headlines,
But in case you can’t come because of some deadlines
Feel free to comment on the topics below
Or add your own to make the list grow.

*Apologies to George Stroumboulopoulos and Ian Hanomansing and Adam Dafaillah whose family names neither rhyme nor scan with anything the author could concoct.

Happy New Year, whatever the pundits say!

Perspectives on some of Wednesday Night’s 2006 Topics
Al Gore & climate change
Business & litigation [Black, Enron, et. al.]
CEOs pass average Canadian salary by Jan.2
Top 10 Health stories
The Year Of The Junk Bond
Income trusts
Iran’s nuclear capability
Mergers & acquisitions
Ice shelf break off
U.S. Mid-term elections
Barack Obama
Saddam Hussein
(new) UN Chief
Mr. Wolfowitz and the Bank
And finally,
Psychologists seek key to successful new year resolutions

One Comment on "Wednesday Night #1296 Invitation"

  1. Diana Thébaud Nicholson January 4, 2007 at 10:55 am ·

    Applause as always to Diana for her updates, this week topping the lot with her clever anapests on punditry.) Guy Stanley OWN

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