Archive for August, 2008

Katrina Update 2008
August 31, 2008, Comments Off on Katrina Update 2008

See also  Katrina Update: A Billion Dollars Later, New Orleans Still at Risk (2007) and CNN Katrina coverage After Fanf ...

Paul Krugman on G.W. Bush & U.S. economy
August 29, 2008, 1 Comment

Feeling No Pain PAUL KRUGMAN (NYT) My first reaction to Bill Clinton’s convention speech was sheer professional jealou ...

Democratic National Convention
August 28, 2008, 1 Comment

  August 25-28, Denver, Colorado The convention will bring as many as 50,000 guests to the region including delegat ...

Beijing Olympics III
August 28, 2008, 6 Comments

NBC coverage and Photos of venues Reuters   New York Times     CBC China, Beijing Olympics ; Tibet Official websit ...

Wednesday Night #1382
August 27, 2008, 2 Comments

Following last Wednesday Night’s Canada-focused (healthcare, the NDP and environment) evening, we are looking forward ...

Cleo Paskal OWN Citation
August 27, 2008, Comments Off on Cleo Paskal OWN Citation

to Cleo Paskal Greetings: Whereas, with the approval of the assembly of Wednesday Night Wise Persons, we are pleased to ...

Oil & Power
August 25, 2008, Comments Off on Oil & Power

Excellent selection of readings suggested by one of our favorite sources Petrodollar bonanza offers economic key (FT) At ...

U.S. Presidential Campaign — the Vice President?
August 23, 2008, 1 Comment

David Brooks gets his wish. We had hopes for Bill Richardson, whose practical international negotiating experience would ...

August 21, 2008, Comments Off on Algeria

21 August Algeria’s reconciliation policy is threatened by a spate of bombings (The Economist) Some 60 people have ...

Wednesday Night #1381
August 20, 2008, 9 Comments

We are delighted that Anne Lagacé Dowson, the NDP candidate in our by-election will be joining us this Wednesday. As al ...
